Still want to offer our everyday discount with CH supported champaigns
Tamara Vermette
I will keep asking because this is the one feature we aren't able to use: to be able to offer our customers our everyday wine discount & something else, i.e., customer buys 12 bottles of wine~ gets 15% off the wine PLUS use a CH campaign like a spend $100 on whiskey, get 10% off. We can not use this either OR option. Or the free delivery option. Not going to not give our customers a $10 free delivery, but not give them their 15% off everyday discount.
Wine & Food Mart
I'm pretty sure there is an option that says all offers can combine. I think by default customers can't combine offers to prevent double dipping but I think you can change that and allow for customers to combine offers.Maybe that helps.
Tamara Vermette
Wine & Food Mart I was told multiple times that CH has not figured that into a working option. I will continue to ask though. If they are OUR customers, and WE don't mind them taking advantage of our everyday discounts AND something else, we are ok with that. Not sure why CH hasn't figured out a work around for those of us that would like to offer our customers the option. Appreciate the input!